Friday, February 26, 2010
~ 11:33 PM ~
You search yourself deep within for an answerYou dived into the great depths to stumble upon your solution.
You trekked through the scorching desert to find your salvation.
All these adventures you went through,
you took every step with your head held high,
straightening your spine with every step,
ready to embrace what awaits you,
ready to fend off all the danger that approaches you.
What I'm trying to say is that,
you made it through without me.
In fact,
you don't even need my presence to continue your journey.
Like you said so yourself,
I'm only here to provide you the entertainment you need.
You need not bring me along on these perilous journeys,
I'm certain that you will do fine without me.
Needless to say,
you don't need me to bring you down any further.
Monday, February 22, 2010
~ 10:34 PM ~
Tragedies befall on everyone.Darkness creeps into the cockles of your warm heart,
you find yourself succumbing to darkness.
There will be a thin line separating you from the dark side.
Choices we make define us as a person.
Fumbling over choices will result in the fall of oneself,
it will be either here or in the future.
Everyone knows what evil you brought upon us.
I would regard you as
an omen,
a curse.
Still glancing back to see your state,
a tiny pinch of pity crawls into me.
Perhaps you've change for the better,
or maybe you wanted to bring happiness to those around you.
But no,
why play your role so well when everyone knows you are a hoax?
A beautiful innocent angel to everyone's eyes
A sinister heart-wrecking devil to mine.
Why can't everyone see for what you are?
Cut your pretense and wake up from reality
before you suffer the humiliation and anger,
before I peel your mask from your face.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
~ 10:32 PM ~
As time fly pass me,I got weary of my surroundings.
Things are not what they were,
things are not what they have been.
Your masquerade has finally been revealed.
I finally get to see the angelic devil inside of you.
The mess you created,
the chaos you stirred up,
all points to the person's hand rocking the very first cradle
i had laid my eyes upon.
You carried out your duties diligently,
attracting different forces of mischief where ever you go.
Leaving me to clean up the mess you created.
Never in my mind would you do such a despicable thing,
your insolent mind i can take no more.
your agonizing attitude and struts.
I cannot put up with your turns and flips,
you can drive me up against the wall,
and do not take credit for the casualties you caused.
All this time,
I have been living under a shield of unawareness.
You keeping secrets from me,
you shunning me out whenever I am so close to finding out the truth.
Its time your superficial appearance comes to an end.
You have somehow made me believe that everything was close to perfection,
somehow able to manage that facade of yours.
Its time I reveal you for what you are
and what you are not.
I'm sorry to say that your little masquerade party is over.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
~ 12:20 PM ~
Glancing back to see who would follow my pathTurning back to read the expression on your face.
Your touch sends signals to me,
ever since I first met you.
Unfortunately for that,
you are nothing but a mere obstacle in my life.
Your presence or touch makes me feel numb.
Always signaling me negative thoughts through your actions.
I can't even feel after the way you touched me.
I feel pure disgust pouring out of me.
I shunned you out of life,
wishing that you will do the same for me.
For all I know,
we may be better off that way.
I am certain that you do not need me in your life anymore.
I was something that crossed your path,
but no significant enough to enrich you in the future.
Shut your eyes,
for all you know,
you may be waking up from a nightmare.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
~ 12:13 AM ~
As cautious as I'll ever be,I will know who to look for and who I should avoid.
As alert I have or must be,
I must not ever make the same darn mistakes.
Under this concealment has always been such a pleasure,
until I was ripped apart,
merely by a few words.
I can justify my wrongs myself,
I don't need you to do that for me.
Sooner or later,
you are just going have to wake up,
I no longer need you next to me.
Your presence is not required any longer.
Those fun and laughter we had,
must be a distinct past.
I have never recalled anything that distinct me
between the past and present.
Needless do I need to mention about the future.
Passing through corridors with you tagging along,
I can take it no more.
Passing by you by accident,
without a sign recognition,
you turn your head and stalk off.
If this is how the game is going to be played,
so be it.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
~ 12:37 AM ~
I have been gullible in the past,
I let things slip my mind a lot.
I forgive and forget too easily.
But those are the traits you will never see
when the next few years come and go by.
I picture myself being able to accept you for who you are,
your flaws and everything.
I will always get pushed up against the wall one way or another.
I will never understand either part of you.
One would be the acting-out-of-kindness person,
trying to show me sympathy that you would always be there to catch me if i fall.
Another would be the unreasonable devil I see nowadays.
Storming in and out,
demanding and relinquishing my happiness.
I stayed on,
I don't know how much I'll be able to take.
My perserverance is wearing down by the second,
and there would be no second replacement.
I cannot expect any kindred soul to lift me out of my sorrows,
to save me from this torment.
I will always have to pick myself up,
and move on.
Literally this time,
I don't know how far I'll be able to go without support....