Saturday, August 29, 2009
~ 11:26 AM ~
lets just take this a whole different way...
lets think "positively" for once...
neither of us would be here,
if weren't for the mistake we made.
admit that,
we were in the wrong.
life is not just about forgetting and letting go.
the pain,
still remains in our hearts.
too painful to rememeber,
too painful to forget.
then what do we do?
hand in hand,
bear this painful memory together.
Friday, August 28, 2009
~ 10:43 PM ~
there and back again.
why is this always happen to me?
did i do anything to upset this balance?
its like you are completely ignoring all the cries,
all the complaints i'm giving out.
are you deaf or you simply can't be bothered.
no one even seems to be hearing my pleas,
so only left with one path.
i have to walk this lonely road myself.
no one but my shadow accompanying me,
till someone finally comes to my side.
my shadow,
neither a living thing,
nor can it be my handkerchief,
but its the only companion i got,
to walk down this empty stretch of road,
to be able to live my days in my boulevard of lonely nights....
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
~ 9:54 PM ~
How does it feel when
a knife just stabs you?
not including those times when that action
was repeated.
what was i to do?
i just let you sit there and continue?
is it me or you,
you turned me into something i'm not.
why me?
why now?
did you do this on purpose?
you chosen the correct time to
push people to their limits.
is this your true self or
you enjoy seeing inncoent people
like me,
getting hurt because of this?
you are supposed to be the one comforting me,
the one with that shoulder that i can lean on.
but now...
it seems like you just took it back,
you left everything,
taking away my memories,
leaving me in this dry vast parched desert.
you can tell me that you're sorry,
but no longer can i place my trust in you....
Sunday, August 16, 2009
~ 1:43 AM ~
at least something seems
to be working!!!
one more thing
i'll have to bitch about....
if you got any insults to throw at me,
please kindly at least tell me,
what is it that i did wrong!!!
don't just go all angry on me,
you have technology or brains
unable to speak,
then type it out
or any form of communication!!
don't just mute yourself
and start pointing fingers at me,
when i myself don't even know what i did!
don't start off another fight
when you have not completely
finish off the other one...
if i know one person who can just
dampen my mood....
its YOU!!!
Friday, August 14, 2009
~ 8:44 PM ~
Always seem to get stuck.
When was it that I ever
Manage the control everything?
When was the time I ever
Went home with you?
It seems to be decades ago.
Whenever that happens,
You seem to ignore…
If that is what you want,
I got nothing to complain about.
You may start saying about
Or my mood.
I’m just lying in a
Boulevard of broken dreams…
Nothing ever seems to work out
Monday, August 10, 2009
~ 11:58 AM ~
Some things can be taken lightly,
but this...
I've been waiting for countless days,
and in the end?
What do I get?
This is like a complete failure...
Should have never trust blogger in the first place.
The font is ok....
Its the bloody font SIZE!!!
sO DAMN irritating!!!
How can you do this to me?!
Monday, August 3, 2009
~ 10:31 PM ~
No matter how many times,
how i tried to avoid,
you seem to appear in front of me.
Why is that so?
These reasons seem utterly unbelievable.
What is the point of expecting so much?
Those filled expectations
are just empty bubbles
waiting to be popped...
No point waiting
if there is nothing waiting at
the end of the road...
What prize do I get?
Perhaps disappointment,
and weariness would be waiting,
waiting to embrace me
with those cold hands....
Only you make me feel warm inside
despite the surroundings...
This makes me wonder,
did i make the right choice?
Would i regret after all this??
Sunday, August 2, 2009
~ 7:09 PM ~
Some just don't get it
others just plainly think otherwise.
The victim,
thinks of only themselves when in fowl mood.
What did you expect?
You expect they would just
brighten up and laugh
like everything's okay?
There is always a reason behind every story.
You just need to figure it out...
Don't plainly insult people
as if you are also right....
Don't assume that you are the only one
thinking about the matter.
Don't assume that you are always right.
Don't assume that everyone leads carefree lives
like you.
Don't assume that everyone likes to open up...
Pay attention to your surroundings,
maybe that "may" help.....
What i am and what i do
is none of your business...
~ 2:48 AM ~
There is always
a good and bad side to
every story...
All i know is,
those people over there
are the worst of the worst...
the creme la creme of the WORST...
Then how does it feel to know
those people?
don't those people got a life to live?
Why interfere with others?
Why make other lives so miserable?
You think you are the only one suffering,
then just think twice...
Stop hiding and come out of the closet.
If you don't wanna admit it,
then get out...
Words mean nothing to me,
actions do...
What you spat,
what you shouted....
All i wanna say is this,
you psychotic bitch ain't worth my time,
get out of my sight!